Over 50 Years of Building Quality, Award Winning Speakers and Selling Quality, High End Home Audio Products
Technical Details
The Generation Four operates in the dual-tuned mode of our own exclusive design, providing unsurpassed low deep bass in a small cabinet. The lowest notes on the bass fiddle (its lowest octave) are reproduced at full power with detail between each note, and with natural tone unique to a small speaker. This is due to extended and flat frequency response below 100 Hz, that reproduces each note with its original volume and tone intact. This applies to the low notes on other instruments as well. The end result is a foundation for music that provides full and satisfying sound, again unique for a small speaker.
Our low-mid frequency driver cone uses a special blend of polypropylene and minerals for low distortion and clean natural sound. The motor utilizes both aluminum shorting rings and coil back-venting for linear movement and low distortion. It also incorporates our exclusive damping ring for natural reproduction of voices and instruments in the mid-range band.
The tweeter is acclaimed world-wide as the best of its type, and is second to none in its low distortion. We then modify it to eliminate the high-frequency resonance peak in frequency response common to all dome tweeters. This resonance emphasis of a band of frequencies (which varies in intensity with different tweeters) is one of the causes of slightly harsh and edgy high frequencies on violins, horns, and other high frequency instruments. A small round and thin disc of plastic or other type of patch is used in front of the dome in most tweeters to minimize this undesirable coloration. Instead, we use a special proprietary damper on the tweeter itself to completely eliminate the peak at its source and stop the problem in the first place, instead of trying to patch it over. The result can be heard as clean and well defined high frequencies, pinpoint imaging, and natural air and space between instruments.
We install a small rigid and airtight enclosure behind the tweeter to prevent the woofers very high back pressure from modulating the tweeter dome. Normally this pressure flows through the domes necessary mounting plate openings for the voice coil wires, along with any leakage between the dome mounting plate and the magnet assembly's front plate. Thusly I.M. distortion, which can be as high as 10% at normal listening levels in some systems is eliminated. The result is clean, accurate, and enjoyable sound that prevents listener fatigue. For example, cymbals have a natural shimmer, violin higher notes don't bite your ears, and there is a distinct and natural air space between instruments.
Multiple order crossovers using reactive inductors (coils) are found in practically all dynamic loudspeakers, again in an attempt to minimize problems in the frequency response of the drivers themselves. And again we have stopped the problem at the source itself and completely eliminated the need for inductors that themselves cause coloration. As noted, our low-mid driver utilizes a special "sandwich" type cone, shorting rings, and coil back-venting, along with a proprietary damping ring to eliminate the need for inductors. The Generation Four's crossover is a first order six dB design, using just a single premium grade low-loss capacitor. This avoidance of using reactive coils is difficult to design into a loudspeaker, and therefore almost never found. However it is the only type that allows accurate transient response and truly excellent detail in music.
The icing on the cake is the unique time-aligned sloped front baffle, allowing the sound from the low-mid driver and the tweeter to arrive at your ears at the same time. The end result of this, and all the above is speakers that literally disappear. If you close your eyes you won't be able to pinpoint the location of the speakers, instead you hear a panorama of natural and realistic sound as though you were present in a concert hall.